1 Timothy 4:12

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. 1Timothy 4:12

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Colossians 3:22-25

“Servants, obey in all things…not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God:
      And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men;
      Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of thie inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.
     But he that doeth wrong which he hath done: there is no respect of persons.”

    I don’t know about you, but I am tempted many times to do something so I would look good in the human eye, but forget about God’s eye. This passage reminds us that we are to do ALL things as to the Lord, I don’t think HE could make it any plainer than that. We just need to put it in practice.

    So, what talent has God given you? Singing? Playing an instrument? Encouraging someone…?! Are you using it “in singleness of heart, fearing God” ? Or “as men pleasers” ?

    Look closely at verses 24 and 25…If you use what God has given you, right, as to the Lord, you will receive a reward! But if you use it wrong, as menpleasers, you will receive what you deserve for that wrong. Ask God that as you use His talents, you’ll use them for His glory, not yours!!

Ephesiains 4:29

    “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”

    There are many verses in Scripture talking about controlling the tongue, but as I was reading this chapter, this verse really ‘stuck out’ to me.
   We aren’t supposed to let ANY impure or unclean talk come from our lips, but ONLY speak what is good, that would encourage others around you, especially fellow Christians.
    Guard your mouth, think before you speak, and ask God to “keep the door” of your lips (Psalm 141:3). It’s a hourly struggle, but He can help you overcome it!

Psalm 106:43-44

“Many times did he deliver them; but they provoked him with their counsel, and were brought low for their iniquity.
Nevertheless he regarded their affliction, when he heard their cry.”

          In this passage David gives many examples of Israel forgetting God and worshipping other gods, even after God had just helped them. Verse 43 tells us that many times God delivered Israel, but they still provoked Him. “Nevertheless…”, in verse 44 it says, “…He regarded their affliction, when He heard their cry.” What a merciful God! Have you ever forgotten God? Displeased Him? Been unthankful, and forgotten how much He’s blessed you with? That’s just what Israel did, but don’t stay that way! He will help you, He wants to help you, He’s just waiting for you to cry out to Him. Remember, God never moves…we do!…come back to God, He wants to have a relationship with you!

Romans 16:17-18

     Vs. 17-- “Now I beseech you (ask you urgently), brethren, mark (take particular notice of) them which cause divisions (disunion, discord, difference) and offences (anger, displeasure, cause of stumbling) contrary to the doctrine (opposite of  the principles or truths taught by Christ and his apostles) which ye have learned (been taught and know); and avoid (keep distance from) them.”
    Vs. 18-- “For they that are such (causing disunion and anger) serve not our Lord Jesus Christ (they don’t seek His honor) but their own belly (heart; carnal lusts, sensual pleasures); and by good words (concerning themselves; plausable speeches), and fair speeches (enticing by soft words) deceive the hearts (misleads the understanding) of the simple (not wise).”

          There are people in this world that are trying to deceive us from what we know is true. I think in these 2 verses, Paul gives us 3 steps on how to keep from being deceived by the world.

1)   “…mark them…”, Take notice of them. Do the people around you cause separation? Do they cause anger? Are they a stumbling block to you as a Christian? These are the such that Paul is warning us to take notice of, and to not make close relations with them.
2)   “…avoid them.” Don’t find yourself around them often. For they are not serving Christ, but their own selves, and doing what feels good to them! With their plausable and enticing speeches, they can cause us to turn away from our Lord, and from what we know we should do.
3)   “…they…deceive the hearts of the simple.” The “simple” are the ones that are foolish, unlearned, and unwise. To keep from being deceived, we need to have wisdom. If we ask for wisdom, keep in the Bible, and doing what we know is right, God will reward us, and give us wisdom. God wants you to have wisdom, He is just waiting for you to ask (Jam. 1:5)! And Paul goes on to say in verse 19… “I  would have you wise unto that which is good, and simple concerning evil.”! Prov. 4:7, “…therefore get wisdom. 

Fall Bible Assembly 2015

    We had the pleasure of helping out with another Bible Assembly this Fall! The Lauchle's surprised us, by saying that they MAY come, then saying that they couldn't come:(...all to SURPRISE us, and be there when we got there! It was a great surprise...to say the LEAST! We surprised them once, but at least we did it without lying...hahaha;) (Thanks for the surprise guys!)

Dee made this pie for the Bible Assembly, Caleb took this picture:)

Colton said..."Me, pica" (picture)...hehe
 Us "kids" 'filled up' the staplers at the end, and we sang as we stapled...it was great time;)

Me and Abbi....BFF!!

Dad-Daughter "Date"

    I guess you can call it a 'date'....i don't know, that's what I call it:)......ANYWAY, I had the PLEASURE to go on a trip with my dad to Boston, Massachusetts!!! I've said that I love big cities..but, never been in 1...well, my dreams are in the past....I got to experience it! IT was a BLAST!! And, yes (if you were wondering), my "claim" to LOVING big cities, still stands!

We had pizza in the car for lunch/supper

It was dad's idea to get a picture of me "holding the bridge"

This one looks a little more "realistic", but I like the other pic. better!

LOVIN' the city...I'm fascinated by "sky-scrapers", if you didn't notice!

The sunset was BEAUTIFUL!!!! The camera can't even catch HOW beautiful it was!

    Well, my dream isn't COMPLETELY in the past....I'm still praying that I can go to New York City!:)

A (REALLY) special "Teens"

     For our Teens (that our Pastor and Ms. Annette puts on every month for the Teens in our church) this time we got to go to a Revival with Chris Miller, and Olivia (a close friend) and her sister, Danielle, got to come too! It was a great message and a great, overall time!! After the service, Pastor treated us to ice cream! The 'flavor of the day' was "Flutter-nutter"...it was DELICIOUS!!!! It was like a peanut butter ice cream with Marshmallow Fluff in it....Ahhhhh.....you've GOT to try it!

Me and Olivia
Saying good bye!!:(
I believe, there are some friendships that ONLY God can put together...this is one of them, I'm am SO blessed to have friends in my life, that encourage me in Him!

Can't wait to see you again, Olivia, in.....8 DAYS!!!!

October's Project

     The kids LOVE going to Home Depot every month to do the project!! They made a fire truck this month!!


This past Game day at a friend's house was lots of fun!

Charity took this pic while we were playing volleyball
Then Abbi and I had a lot of fun taking lots of pics!!

"A friend loveth at all times...."....I'm SO thankful for my friends...especially you Abbi :)

Funny Selfies;)

      I've taken these pics within a couple weeks and thought they were cute!!! Enjoy:)

Me and Sahana
Dee Dee and Me
Me and Charity!
My lil' buddy Chris